What We Offer
CPS / Collaborative & Proactive Solutions
“Kids do well if they can, not if they wanna.”
– Dr. Ross Greene
In CPS, behaviour is considered just the signal (the ‘fever’) that is communicating that the child is struggling to meet or handle an expectation. We move away from focusing on the challenging behaviour you are observing to focus on what sets in motion the behaviour.
We will begin with the ALSUP (The Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems), which helps us to:
Understand your child’s lagging skills.
Identify the specific expectations that your child is having difficulty meeting (we call these “unsolved problems”).
Prioritise what to begin working on first in a collaborative problem solving discussion (we call this a "Plan B").
We will also work together so you become skilled in how to conduct a Plan B.
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."
- Dr. Seuss
Areas of support for children struggling with difficulties at home, in school, in social situations or within themselves, including:
Anxiety & worries
Social & emotional difficulties
Sleep difficulties
Concerning behaviours
Social issues or bullying
School refusal (school can't)
Low mood & sadness
Neuro-divergency (ADHD and Autistic thinkers and feelers)
“Adolescence is not a period of being 'crazy' or 'immature'. It is an essential time of emotional intensity, social engagement, and creativity.”
- Dr. Dan Siegel
Areas of support for teenagers (and/or those around them) who are struggling with this life stage, including:
Stress & worries
Social & emotional difficulties
Challenging and/or risky behaviours
School refusal (school can't) and unmet learning and/or other expectations
Negative self-image & Identity formation
Low mood & sadness
Neuro-divergency (ADHD and Autistic thinkers and feelers)
Young Adults
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
- Oscar Wilde
Areas of support for those who are struggling to find their own path and get themselves together, including:
How to be open, curious and make sense of thoughts and feelings
Strategies to drop the struggle with difficult feelings & respond with awareness
Recognising helpful and unhelpful thoughts
Increasing personal effectiveness
Exploring what matters most and taking action toward it
Improving social connections and relationships
Identifying choices in each moment and solving problems
Relating to yourself and others compassionately
Adjusting to life transitions and events
Coping better, doing better
Parents & Families
“See a child differently…see a different child.”
– Dr. Stuart Shanker
Parental coaching to tune into yourself and your child, including:
Learning about social and emotional cues from baby and older children
Developing a flexible and responsive mindset and skillset
Building awareness to respond effectively
Identifying what's contributing to conflict
Communicating and relationship building
Implementing solutions ahead of time to be responsive rather than reactive in the heat of the moment
Learning to set realistic expectations and collaboratively solve problems that affect your child's life and yours
Students & Schools
"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think."
- Albert Einstein
Workshops for Individual Students or Groups (from Primary through to Tertiary Education):
The Brain-Mind-Body Connection
Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Social & Emotional Skills (including emotional regulation)
Thinking & Planning Skills
Discovering Values & Strengths; Goal Setting & Action Planning Skills
Study Skills
Workshops for Year Levels & Whole-School:
Mental health literacy and student well-being (including bullying prevention)
Tailored workshops to meet the needs of your school community (including Teacher Professional Development workshops; Staff Well-being)